K.V- a string of emotions

                  My KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA
Before I start writing about MY school cum my childhood cum my memories cum... I want to inform ya'll that I know I'm gonna fall short of words but not emotions certainly and I did in the start only,bruh! well let's see how far it goes.
   "K.V isn't just a school it's an emotion"
I have read the above line which is in double quotes for literally uncountable times on social media in lot many memes.
And it may sound cliche to you( in case you aren't from K.V, no offence though in anyway throughout the writing) but to us, the KVians it certainly takes us to our KV( warning: too many mentions of "KV" is going to be there) days.
But before that let me introduce myself in the quickest way; Richa Singh, done her entire schooling in different KVs( except for the pre-primary schooling) since my Dad is himself a K.V P.G.T teacher and as per the central school guidelines his job involves transfers- a thrilling job ofcourse and only by his grace of job we(our family) got to visit the places I think we wouldn't have been able to explore otherwise- Vishakhapatnam(in A P) ,Bacheli( in M.P), Zakhama (in Nagaland), Kanpur(in U.P), Sambalpur ( in Odisha); lot many places isn't ?
It always came with the boon of exploring and getting to know the unity that exists in the diversity of India everytime from a little close and believe me it has always been such a great experience and feeling and with the bunch of K.V people existing around us always we never felt alien to a new place.
And with change of places my school changed too but it was always a K.V and here comes my proofs for y'all to not to find that sentence cliche.
With change of schools I never felt the void of leaving my previous school though I cried everytime the transfer notice came, come on, I had too many best friends and who wants to loose people who pampers you the most after your family.
But emptiness of love and care never embraced me. K.Vians have their special vibes which connects them instantly so I never felt short of friends ever instead there was always abundance of them.
Secondly, whenever I got admitted to a new K.V everything was same except for the faces- same morning prayer, same dress code, same list of cultural events taking place throughout the academic session, same textbooks, same Vidyalaya "geet"(song),same school timings, same vacation dates and the list will go on and on but in short same culture, our K.V culture.
So it was like I never left the home, it was more of I entered another room of the same house and I always got hold of the rope from where I left.
Tbh K.V has shaped my life in the best way- from encouraging students to dance, sing , play sports of their choice, to take part in different oratory and poem competitions, to use their innovations in different exhibitions,to appreciate those too who are good at calligraphy, they never failed to boost us with adequate confidence and creativity and of course the best quality teachers; who have the best knowledge in their concerned subject ,they always tried to imbibe us with the best of everything .( Too much of "best" isn't? If u can, suggest me with an alternative of best )
Whatever I am today,K.V has also played a role apart from my family. Today if I' m writing this blog then it's cause of K.V too.
Personally I want to thank my school for one reason too which may sound bizzare to you but my English and Hindi accent is quite normal and yeah ! you are right, the credit goes to K.V( well special mention and shout out to my parents as well who always try to make us learn the best in everything) and I'm saying this cause I have many friends who have accent of their local language even if they speak another language( but that's​ fine, I already mentioned "no offence").
I think now I need to conclude this otherwise it will go on for how long I too don't know.

I' m quite grateful I have been a part of K.V and it's going...umm actually it's sill is part of me and will always be.
Thank you K.V for everything.I owe you a lot.
Thanks for being a companion of my childhood , thanks for being my second home.
I love you❤️


  1. Being an Kvian i must say ur every line hits with the feeling of nostalgia.....u r doing an amazing work just keep it up....waiting for ur next.

  2. Your writing was like a time travel for me. I virtually travelled to my past KV life years back. For a moment I thought I was enjoying those golden days again. I always cherish my days at KV Bhawanipatna and KV-2 Bhubaneswar. Thanks for the beautiful vlog.
    -Kanan Deep

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Glad you found it this relatable!
      Thank you so much.
      High five from an ex-KVian ✌


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